The Week’s Tweets (2010-03-07)

  • Just turned off a bunch of notifications in Facebook. I feel free! (So it's nothing personal if I don't respond to your comment.) #
  • Your reality is out of date: on "mesofacts," facts that change so slowly you'll miss it if you're not paying attention. #
  • Forget all my noodling at Went West (, here's a real reason not to live in a city: #
  • Why do people tweet news items without a link? #
  • Most annoying thing about Macs: having to beseech and then wait for them to eject things. Does whatever causes this benefit me in some way? #
  • Real estate! #
  • Ira Glass: "The natural state of all writing is mediocrity." #
  • Miss. Co is short election judges, but this is first I heard of training-and I'm a former judge. Comm. fail? #
  • "[D]oves were released as a symbol of peace … as fireworks burst in the sky, catching many birds in the cross-fire." #
  • Grateful the sun is not out today. #
  • Wow, Diane Ravitch now sounds… sane about No Child Left Behind. #
  • Buy a raincoat. Soon, Republicans' heads will be exploding all around you. #
  • Our mailman has taken to wearing a blue fedora (or maybe it's a trilby?). I wonder if it is an official USPS uniform item. #
  • Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss. #
  • So glad I decided to get some physical therapy for my back. (Tara at Alpine PT for Missoula people.) #
  • At my desk late, setting up for a conference call with India and Australia. #
  • Love when "looting" footage shows "looters" throwing food out into crowds of strangers. I thought reporters needed BS detectors. #
  • If health-care reform is really a multi-billion-dollar "giveaway" to insurers, why are they now fighting it? #
  • Advice to criminals: don't keep a diary. #
  • Man, more post-quake looting. Why don't people in places where infrastructure is destroyed just wait patiently for it to be rebuilt? #
  • Well, now that spring is here in Montana, guess I'll just throw away all of these winter clothes…. #
  • "We used the wrong measurements to decide if childhood mental illness is real, and we reached the wrong conclusions." #
  • "Come to terms with the fact that your breaths are limited, and your days numbered. You have to budget your outrage." #
  • Google fixed a problem by using "Wittgenstein's theories about how words are defined by context". #
  • If liberals give up snootiness/evangelicals retire sanctimony, might make progress against enemies of humanity. #
  • What's worse, a targeted, surgical assassination, or a drone attack that kills innocent bystanders? #
  • Do I know the kind of people who can tell me what's so great about an app that opens WPF resource dictionaries really quickly? #
  • My latest Went West column looks at my changing relationship to city life/Baltimore. @wtcommunities #wtcomm #

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