The Week’s Tweets (2010-03-14)

  • Good news: Obama appoints Edward Tufte to advisory panel of Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board. #
  • "[A]ny single scientific study alone is quite likely to be incorrect." #
  • Nate Silver argues -contra Greenwald, et al.-that libs have not been "scammed" out of public option. (Latin corrected!) #
  • Nate Silver argues -contra Greenwald, at. al.-that libs have not been "scammed" out of a public option. #
  • Obama (acc. to Brooks): "Government should address problems without interfering with the dynamism of the market." #
  • Ta-Nehisi Coates: "'Obama isn't tough enough' = escape hatch for [liberals] who don't want to think." #
  • Ruane Manning horse clock! #
  • Toyota: 20 million cars sold, 56 deaths. Please stop obsessing over this. (And if it happens to you, NEUTRAL!) #
  • Breaking: people who knew serial killer found him not"nice" or "normal" but rather "creepy and obnoxious." #
  • Thanks @angelahopp for RTing my latest Went West column, "Some of my best friends are cities." #
  • The scarcity of political reporters who understand "reconciliation" begs the question why we pay attention to them at all. #
  • Adventures in transcribing an Australian: "hit a bug with it in beta = "did a bundle with the data." #
  • Hey, why not read the famous David Foster Wallace commencement speech at Kenyon? It's famous for a reason: #
  • "If this is the information age, what are we so well-informed about?" #
  • My latest Went West column: I don't hate cities. I just don't want to live in one right now. #wtcomm @wtcommunities #

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