The Week’s Tweets (2010-06-27)

  • Sitting on my parents' lawn in West Virginia, listening to a widespread outbreak of honking car horns-guessing, soccer related? #
  • My latest Went West column thinks you're an idiot if you think you could never forget a baby in a hot car. #wtcomm #
  • "Punditry is a whole industry built on confirmation bias." (I.e., we don't read pundits for information.) #
  • I agree with Jonathan Chait that the GOP probably isn't "deliberately" trying to sabotage the economy. #
  • Drones-now patrolling our southern border-have an "accident rate 100 percent higher than manned aircraft." #
  • Britishism of the day: describing value of having one manager for a complex project, my source says he liked "having one throat to choke." #
  • Well, I guess we just rebooted the Afghan War. But maybe it will turn out better after another ten years! #
  • Republican recipient of $1 million in farm subsidies erects billboard calling Dems the "party of parasites." #
  • My latest Went West column is a personal report from the fringes of the mortgage crisis. (Corrected link.) #
  • My latest Went West column is a personal report from the fringes of the mortgage crisis. #

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