The Week’s Tweets (2010-04-11)

  • "Russian officials said they assumed the adoptive mother was joking when she asked about their 'return policy.'" #
  • "How to Defeat Someone Made Furious by "How to Defeat a Pit Bull with Your Bare Hands"." #
  • Missoula house-shoppers: open house at my 2-bdrm slice of the good life tomorrow (Sunday), 2-4. #missoula #realestate #
  • Ratzinger personally denied a bishop's petition to defrock a rapist-priest for fear of scandal. #
  • Mark Heyka says "hwhy". #
  • "1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" much better than I expected from the title. #
  • “What audacious criminal, what mystifier, what maniac collector, what insane lover, has committed this abduction?” #
  • Writing is ruining my body. #
  • "It is a communist chocolate hellhole and I'm here to stop it ever happening." #
  • Party of business competence and acumen: "Young Eagles" pumped GOP for cash, rarely donated any of their own. #
  • Hoda Kotb's job apparently is just to drink all morning on live television. #
  • Thinking that the Wikileaks video is probably just what war looks like. Don't like it? Blame the war, not the soldiers. #
  • Republican governor makes back-room deal to battle back-room-deal-tainted health-care bill: #
  • Blasting George Lewis and gardening. #
  • Yet more evidence that ACORN "buster" James O'Keefe played fast and loose with the truth: #
  • I like the thought of the responding officers attempting to "console" this man. #
  • Looking forward to reduced–price candy, ham, and flowers tomorrow. #
  • House shopping in Missoula? Open house today, 12-2. #missoula #missoularealestate #
  • Is there a holiday this weekend? And is there some new Apple product for sale? #
  • My latest Went West column: What I'm looking forward to about small-town life. #wtcomm @wtcommunities #
  • "[C]orrupt officials and morally absent financiers built a device that converted s*** into billions for Wall Street." #
  • Breaking: president is black. #

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