- Coen rejects the individualistic model of environmentalism and argues that we will solve our problems at the policy level or not at all. #
- The Pea-Green Boat makes me ready my torpedo tubes. #
- Disappointed that I missed Dr. Phil. What is happening to me? #
- Coen slept all night on a stationary surface! ("Slept all night" = woke up at 2 and 5, but that's normal.) #
- No daycare. #
- Shot fired at kitten abuser's house, "but not by police." http://bit.ly/bHzItR #
- RT @SherryDevlin: Police standoff in progress at home of abused kitten: http://bit.ly/bHzItR #
- Name the poet: "Those wild screaming beaches…" #
- Trying to do less so I can get more done. #
- Inspiring to see even Toyota doing its part to help out the U.S. car industry! #
- I thought The Hurt Locker was supposed to be good. #
- The great Scott McLemee on Haiti and the role of the Caribbean: http://bit.ly/aMKBnr #
- Important difference between "the unemployment rate" and "people who don't have a job." http://bit.ly/9SD4RI #
- Can they really call it a "retweet" when they change "love" to "luv," "to" to "2," and so forth? #
- I love how the internet is at the point where you don't even have to wonder if you'll be able to find a photo of a biker holding a kitten. #
- Now I have something in common with Danny Torrance. #
- Loving USAA. (Good thing I was smart enough to marry into an officer's family.) #
- So, daycare. #
- Quote from an interview transcript I am reading: "Can you put some words back in my mouth again?" #
- How can I make an alarm go off every 30 minutes (or customizable) while my computer's on? Browser based is okay. Simpler the better. #
- Oops, never mind, Firefox add-on "Simple Timer" crashes my browser. #
- Experimenting with Firefox add-on "Simple Timer" to remind me to stretch every half hour. http://bit.ly/92smPQ #