The Week’s Tweets (2009-10-24)

  • Why, yes, I do think I'm slightly more Montanan than you: #
  • Squirrels caught in an electronic incident. #
  • Is anyone going to the Thriller thing at Hellgate High tomorrow night? Can I shadow you for an article? #
  • Looking forward to seeing David Simon and George Pelecanos at the Festival of the Book tomorrow. Baltimore in Montana! #
  • Pepperoni a fever, supreme a cold. #
  • Preparing to interview a Slovenian government official. #
  • Mottainai: Japanese for "a sense of regret concerning waste when the intrinsic value of an object or resource is not properly utilized." #
  • I always remember about time-zone differences except when I don't. #
  • One advantage of having a one-month-old: you can drink unlimited amounts of coffee and still have no problem falling asleep. #
  • I love it when a plan comes together. #
  • Does anyone know if I can use Quicksilver to present me with a reminder of something every time I open a specific document? #
  • I wish I could do my job as carelessly as medical billing/claims people do theirs and still get paid. #
  • Why WOULDN'T you want to be picked up and held every hour during the night, if it were an option? #

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