The Week’s Twitters (2009-08-22)

  • Funny People at 7pm, Carmike Mullan Road, anyone? #
  • Another doctor’s visit, another call to the insurance company to try to get them to cover what they said they’d cover. #
  • Just back from a free car-seat-installation appointment at Community Medical Center. Fast, easy, and informative. #
  • Betting you’ll never see a single bike actually IN the newly painted eastbound bike lane on Spruce — it’s @ 15 feet from the parking lane. #
  • Making pineapple-mushroom-avocado-swiss burgers with fresh vegetable mac and cheese. #
  • Stopped watching Australia about 30 minutes in. Just couldn’t take it. #
  • Two cops who think we should legalize it: #
  • About to finish Deadwood, thinking of starting Mad Men. Don Draper sounds like a natural segue from Al Swerengen. #
  • Getting ready for a meeting with a potential new client. #