The Week’s Twitters (2009-08-01)

  • Trying to decide whether to buy a 1980 Ford F250 for 100 dollars. #
  • Grilling pork shoulder. #
  • 12 essential human skills, including “information assimilation,” “writing,” “speaking.” #
  • Disappointed that Google Voice cannot record outgoing calls. Maybe one day. Until then, digging RecordiaPro. #
  • Should have known: big difference between what your doctor considers “routine” and what your insurer considers “routine.” #
  • Kind of embarrassing looking at an “explanation of (lack of) benefits” letter from your health insurer with a Canadian in the house. #
  • Exploring my new Google Voice account. #
  • The woman from Calgary said it “hardly ever” gets down to 40 below there. #
  • Back in Missoula after 3 months in a tent. #