The bright lights of the big city apparently proved too heady for a bachelor-party group from Frenchtown that ran wild in Missoula last Thursday. By the time the Missoula Police Department forced the evening to a close (at Red’s Bar, naturally), the revelers had racked up numerous assaults, including on their own limo driver.
The groom is in the most trouble, first for punching a woman in the face after she objected to his groping her, then-while handcuffed-headbutting a police officer in the temple. “I’ve got a good lawyer,” he is reported to have announced. He’ll need one, because that last thing got him booked on a felony charge.
Word to the wise: when your own limo driver finds it necessary to pull a gun on you out of fear for his life-before you have tipped him-you may have gone too far.