- Where can I get Dr. Bonner's in Missoula? #
- Mullan and Reserve! #
- Getting names wrong on Twitter. http://bit.ly/2mNaac #
- The difference between @Stokes, @StokesUP, @STOKESGYLT, and @Stokez. http://bit.ly/2mNaac #
- Upgrading my databases. #
- Adventures in typos: almost just told someone I was forwarding them an email threat. (for "thread") #
- Mt. St. Coen is extremely active and frequently erupts without warning. #
- "you can…hear Foer thinking: Yes, these arguments have been made…before, but they’ve never been made in this font". http://bit.ly/1QSKwv #
- Only in Montana: folks at next table discussing which bronc riders they will bring to their rodeo. Oh, and, they have a flow chart. #
- OK, so I have Google Wave. Now what? #
- "In an unfamiliar culture, it is wise to offer no innovations, no suggestions, or lessons." http://bit.ly/3oc1Mn #
- Trying not to take it personally when people have a different worldview from mine. #
- Anyone know any cops or anyone who would know some details about interstate pot smuggling, particularly how much good couriers get paid? #